Category: Jewelry
Scope: Brand Voice, Copywriting (Web, Email, Social, SMS, OOH)
Years: 2024
Objective: As the largest permanent jewelry retailer in the country, Loveweld executed a major rebrand, which included a new website and visual identity. I worked with the Loveweld team to create brand ToV guidelines, refresh website copy across multiple pages, and implement copy direction for product packaging.
Copy Samples: Campaign Email Headline, Website Rebrand (Permanent Jewelry), Social Tagline (“We’re in love”)
Results: Copy was implemented across the majority of the new website, email, and social to accompany their new branding. Brand confirmed a noticeable increase in email CTR, social engagement, and ad performance thanks to new copy direction.
Loveweld Rebrand 2024
Creative direction & Brand identity by Jones Studio
Brand ToV & Copy direction by Anupa Otiv